Pater Gratia Oriental Art

Amsterdam 1995

Objects 2010593, 2010699, 2010700, 2010924, 2011074 & 2011177


Auction catalogue

Title: The Diana Cargo, auction catalogue, Christie's Amsterdam, 6 & 7 March 1995


''The Diana'' was owned by Palmer and Co. a powerful Calcutta ship owner and was licensed by the English East India Company to sail from Calcutta or Madras to Canton, carrying cotton and of course, opium, which was extremely lucrative. The ship would then return to India from China, laden with silks, tea, preserved fruits and thousands of pieces of beautiful blue and white porcelain.


Unfortunately The Diana was on one of these voyages when, on the 14th of March 1817, she hit some rocks off the Straits of Malacca and sank. The wreck was identified and recovered in 1994 by Dorian Ball of Malaysian Historical Salvors. Christie's auctioned the porcelain cargo in Amsterdam in March 1995.


Publisher: Christie's Amsterdam B.V. 1995


Details: Illustrated soft cover with all colour illustrations.


Pages: 145 pp.


ISBN 10: -


Language: English


Dimensions: 268 mm (10 inch) x 210 mm (8 inch) x 8 mm (0.3 inch).



2010593: Good. 

2010699: Near perfect.

2010700: Good, signed by Colin Sheaf (Christie's), author of object 2010692, The Hatcher Porcelain Cargoes. The Complete Record.

2010924: Good.

2011074: Good.

2011177: Perfect.



2010593: € 99 Currency Converter

2010699: € 99 Currency Converter

2010700: € 149 Currency Converter

2010924: € 69 Currency Converter

2011074: Sold.

2011177: € 119 Currency Converter


(copyright in bibliographic data and cover images is held by the publisher or by their respective licensors: all rights reserved)