Pater Gratia Oriental Art

Tokyo 1965


Author: -

Title: Illustrated catalogues of Tokyo National Museum. Chinese Ceramics.


This catalogue reproduces specially important or representative examples selected out of the Chinese ceramic collection of the Tokio National Museum.


Publisher: Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo, 1965.


Details: Original cloth binding with 682 illustrations in black and white, Preface, Remarks, Periods of Chinese History, List of Plates, Plates, Chronology of Chinese Ceramics, Map showing the sites of old ceramic kilns in China.


Pages: 180 pp.


ISBN 10: -


Language: English and Japanese.


Dimensions: 260 mm (10.2 inch) x 185 mm (7.3 inch) x 15 mm (0.6 inch).


Private copy, not for sale.


(copyright in bibliographic data and cover images is held by the publisher or by their respective licensors: all rights reserved)